Hello GCFS Family and Friends!
We’re finally experiencing some warmth and relief from such a cold and brutal winter. Personally, winter seasons are so beautiful to me. Snow and wintry foods that keep us feeling cozy add onto the beauty. But mainly, it is the barrenness that makes time stand still so beautiful. For instance, trees look barren and still. It is easy to focus on the emptiness and absence of life of a tree when it fails to be green or full with life. But, ask anyone. A tree is not dead during the winter. It is very much alive. The roots are alive and are grounded deeply that even the tree is confident it is still alive which makes it so beautiful to me. I compare trees to our seasons in life. We may be in specific seasons longer than we anticipated and seasons that are especially a time where we experience loneliness, delay, idleness, or a period where we are hidden just like the trees. But, it is in this season where we experience barrenness to find ourselves. To recognize our surroundings, take time to notice our friends and family, and rest without having to check the time. GCFS, I don’t know what season you are in, but I pray that you will be like a tree and recognize that you do have life and your roots can go deeper. Don’t just stay on the superficial level to get by and have this season be over with, but ask and begin to notice what your purpose and response should be right now. Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to turn over a new leaf and hope for another season of depth and growth.
Fireside Chats