Hello GCFS!
Happy first day back to school for the second semester! Whether 2017 came in with booming fireworks and an elaborate celebration or a stay-at-home quiet reflection, it is here and we welcome it regardless. Over the course of years, we are subjected to headlines splashed across magazines, media, and advertisements that say something along the lines of 'new year, new you, 'find your new body' ‘out with the old, in with the new’ and the list goes on. It is endless in how it offers myriad ways of finding a reset button for all to seize the new year with courage and carrying no such thing as regrets or remorse from the previous year. In the midst of the norm as the new year is here, this thought came to mind. How long will we set our eyes and mindset on renewing our physical bodies? Sure, we all long for health and prosperity, but as His word tells us in Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. So what exactly does that mean for us? Some food for the soul, rather than fixating on a new body, habit, or goal to set resolutions that will inevitably fade and die out mid-year, why not value the things that really matter. Which is connection. Begin connecting to the things that matter such as your own heart and the people that you love. It is in the connection, where we grow, where we learn, and where our lives actually start to change. This connection is only possible when we position ourselves in Christ. and we see it time and time again in our theme verse, abide in Him so that you can bear much fruit. Apart for Him, you can do nothing. So here is it. GCFS, I encourage and pray that you will discover in 2017 ways to disconnect and unplug yourself from the things that are a temporary fill which mask what is valuable and genuine. Rather to be connected and engaged with your surroundings. Simply being intentional in wearing the mindset of ‘being renewed’ will be your priority and not chasing after the worldly resolutions. Richness shouldn’t be limited only in the physical, but in the spiritual as well. If gaining Christ means losing the world, then we need to fix our desire and hunger on what is forever true and unchanging. God himself. Think about that. What does that look like for you? …and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, Ephesians 4:23 Let’s go 2017!
Fireside Chats